Thursday, August 14, 2014

So much more from Betty C.

I met Johnna over a year ago at a retreat when my wheels had fallen off. I care for two special needs children and and was making my self sick with worry, guilt and all that goes along with that. My negative energy was so strong that it was infecting my family and my house. I felt easily overwhelmed and buried most of the time. When I came back from that retreat I told my husband that that trip would change my life and that it did. Since then I worked with Johnna to unwind all the underlying causes to my mysterious fatigue and related illnesses.  She taught me how to peel away at the layers one by one to be able to get back to my whole, healthy self. Today I am better for it and my family is better for it. I am forever grateful for my time with her, all that I have learned from her, and the new direction my life has taken because of her.   My deepest thanks Johnna:)
Betty C.

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  Sorry to bother you but fell like have to for a minute… When I booked the reading I had no clue of what it would be like but all I can say...