Thursday, August 14, 2014

A MUST read.. what Cycts....

About a year ago, I was playing with my 4 year old son, and he accidentally elbowed my right breast.  I didn’t think much of it at the time, but in the days preceding, I had a lot of pain and developed an alarmingly large bump under my right nipple.  The pain continued for days and the bump did not diminish.  My doctor directed me to get a mammogram.  The results were inconclusive, so the next step was to get an ultrasound and a biopsy.  

The ultrasound showed a mass of cysts under my right breast.  I am prone to having benign cysts in my breasts, but this mass was large and painful, and potentially dangerous.
The doctor explained that as he did ultrasound, he would biopsy the cysts by inserting a needle into them, and hopefully this may also release fluid from the cysts, therefore helping them to become minimized.  After painful poking and moving the needle around in my breast, the cysts did not diminish.  At the end of my appointment, the doctor said that he thought I should get this mass removed.

As it turns out, I had a little retreat scheduled that I was leaving for that same day.  I was very upset that this was the prognosis, and that I was still in so much pain.  I tried to put my pain and upset in the back of my mind, so that I could rest and relax for the next couple of days.  I had set up an appointment with a breast specialist for the day that I was to return, to get a second opinion regarding removal of the mass.

My retreat was at Lake Austin Spa.  I’d never had a personal retreat, and my husband surprised me with this gift.  The spa was offering dance and movement classes all week, so it was perfect for me and something I really looked forward to.  However, as I began my first class, my breast hurt so much it was hard to enjoy and fully participate.  

Downhearted I decided to enjoy other amenities the spa offered and booked myself an energy healing session with Johnna Partain. Intrigued, I had no idea what to expect, and just hoped it would help to improve my mood.

I instantly felt comfortable with Johnna.  Her grounded nature and confidence in her work put me instantly at ease.  I had never experienced anything like what I went through that day.
I simply lay on the table and Johnna did her thing.  It’s difficult to explain, but without touch, she would look at the energy through my body.  She would help me to work through blocked areas, by visualization.  Throughout the session, I would experience warmth, and emotion.  

Toward the end, she asked me how I felt.  For some reason, I hadn’t mentioned my breast, as I thought this energy work was more emotion-based.   Emotionally I felt great, full of energy.  Something I hadn’t felt for a while.  I added, though, that I had this pain in my breast, not really thinking that it was even something to mention as it was such a physical pain and not emotional.

She focused on that area.  After a short time, asked how it felt.  I felt around on my breast, and it was much softer.  I could barely feel the lumps.  I expressed that I still felt pain on the right side of the breast.  After more of her focus and the visualizing, she somehow cleared the energy that was blocked there, and asked how it felt now.  I couldn’t believe it, but the pain, and the hard bumps were literally gone.  GONE.  Just like that.  I was and am still astounded.  It couldn’t have been real, but it was.

A few days later, I had followed up with a breast specialist for a second opinion on having the cystic mass removed.  This specialist did another ultrasound.
Here is the email I instantly wrote to Johnna:
“So, I saw boob doc this afternoon.  Great news:  no need for removing anything!!!!!  She said there are still a few cysts under my nipple-- but in looking at today's ultra sound compared to the one on the day of the biopsy, most have gone away and the others diminished.  She confirmed that I do have cysts in both breasts, but all within normal range.  She wants to follow up and look again in 3 months.  I feel such a sense of relief and gratitude to you.
Thank you.”

I have had two check-ups with ultra-sounds since then, and everything is still normal!

Johnna is truly gifted.

Hannah Calvert

So much more from Betty C.

I met Johnna over a year ago at a retreat when my wheels had fallen off. I care for two special needs children and and was making my self sick with worry, guilt and all that goes along with that. My negative energy was so strong that it was infecting my family and my house. I felt easily overwhelmed and buried most of the time. When I came back from that retreat I told my husband that that trip would change my life and that it did. Since then I worked with Johnna to unwind all the underlying causes to my mysterious fatigue and related illnesses.  She taught me how to peel away at the layers one by one to be able to get back to my whole, healthy self. Today I am better for it and my family is better for it. I am forever grateful for my time with her, all that I have learned from her, and the new direction my life has taken because of her.   My deepest thanks Johnna:)
Betty C.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Dr. Elaine Gourley

Dr. Elaine Gourley

August, 2014

To Whom It May Concern:
I recently had an excellent experience with a holistic healer, Johnna Partain. She is talented in many facets of the body and mind. Her amazing energy produced a life changing experience for me. I no longer have the phobias that had prevented me from doing things that were necessary.  
Johnna uses her energy to deal with issues in the body and mind. She has the ability to “fix” things that are out of whack.  She did this without touching me and can use her abilities by phone. I am grateful for her and highly recommend her.


Elaine Gourley

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Testimonial: Ken "The Cookie Man" Gibson

"My endorsement: When it comes to holistic healing, Johnna Partain is the Truth.

I have witnessed it firsthand: My mother was dying of cancer, and the doctors told us that her blood pressure would be the vitals to watch. 

It was steadily dropping, and I asked Johnna to do an adjustment for my mother over the phone, and something happened that the nurses could not explain. Her blood pressure spiked higher in the next reading - higher than it had been in days.

The doctors and the nurses did not know what happened, but I did.

Thanks, Johnna, you gave us hope in that moment.

Like I said, this woman is the truth. I will always be her biggest fan."

Ken"The Cookie Man" Gibson

Testomonial: Betty F. Newkirk (Associate Pastor of Mt. Moriah U.H.C. and the Founder & President of the Traveling Shoes Ministry)

"Greetings, I am Rev. Betty F. Newkirk, Associate Pastor of Mt. Moriah U.H.C. and the Founder & President of the Traveling Shoes Ministry. 

The purpose of this letter is to let you know a few facts about Ms. Partain, whom I have known for over two years now. 

I have found her to be a person of impeccable character, professional, and very caring. 

When I heard her on StarvingThe System (internet show), I was astounded and in some disbelief. 

The first conversation over the telephone was unbelievable: having never met her, she was able to tell me my problems and what I had just finished doing. Ms. Partain got my undivided attention, and I began to listen intently. 

Needless to say, I began to feel better instantly with her energy healing technique as she began to work on me. I had an opportunity to go to Dallas last year, and meeting her was the highlight of my visit. 

I believe she has a gift that would benefit a lot of people."

Rev. Betty F. Newkirk

Testimonial: Troy Gabel (September 10, 2010)

"To whom it may concern,

I am writing to recommend Johnna Partain and the holistic healing that she provides.

As my first visit to a holistic healer, I was somewhat skeptical (even though I am very open minded). 

However, after visiting Johnna (over a series of sessions), my life has most definitely changed for the better.

I was previously coping with anger management issues and depression, and I was medicated with Effexor. I had been taking medication to control this for more than five years. 

After my third energy healing session with Johnna, I became aware of my feelings and surroundings so much that I felt I was able to control the disease without the need for medication. 

I have been drug free now for more than sixty days, and I still feel like I am in control.

As a byproduct of the sessions with Johnna, I have also found that my day to day productivity, energy and awareness level have gone up significantly.

As one of Johnna's many clients, I would consider her professional as well as highly effective.

I highly recommend holistic healing with Johnna Partain to anyone that is looking for alternative approaches to medicine, pain, or injury."

Troy Gabel

I had a session with Johnna today, did not really know what to expect. Is all I knew is that I was finding it di...